Febuary 3rd 2011 (GOOM Radio) – Unleash the Fury!

[fap_track url="http://hamradioshowpodcast.com/podcasts/HAMRadio-GOOM-Feb-3rd-2011.mp3" title="HAM-GOOM-03032011" share="" cover="https://cdn-audio-hamradioshow.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/GOOM/Image/COVER-MYGOOM.jpg" meta="" layout="grid" enqueue=yes auto_enqueue=no]

A whole lot of calls came in across the ham radio universe from the fans, friends and  former guests,  As Ham Radio breaks down what the fuck happened and relive some of the awesome moments in Ham radio show history!   Tune in because you don’t get fired and the bosses give you a live mic

Striving for Quality....

Content is King! And At The Ham Radio Show. It is foremost the top priority to give you  top tier content! 

Eddie even threw a computer out of the radio station because the damn thing froze. yes we are that serious of our content. and won’t find anything subpar here!