I spend my days off from the hospital work on youtube and building the new hamradioshow.com website and web app, lots of the youtube I come across are of course the popular anti-mask videos of people bitching and complaining about having not being allowed into a store or found in a store without a mask on.
pretty sure we all know why the masks are required right now, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. this isn’t some new type of virus, these type of viruses have been around for a long time (SARS, MERS, common cold are a kind of coronavirus) the reason for the panic and precautions is because covid-19 and variants are easily transmittable without symptoms if you got exposed it could take 5 days to a week since it ended up in your respiratory system to start showing symptoms. but before your start coughing up phlegm and sneezing and runny nose. your breathing in and out constantly which puts a risk of exhaling any viral droplets that could in your breath.
let’s breakdown the video:
“if your mask works then what the problem with me not having a mask” (0:33-0:36)
the mask is not meant to prevent or reduce anything from being inhaled. it is meant to reduce whatever you cough or breathe out from going into the air, if she got exposure to covid-19, just be breathing( although might not cause much transmission) , if she sneezed or coughed and didn’t cough into her elbow or shirt in time. then whatever is in her lungs. could be forced out in the expending cloud of whatever you forced out ( until enough passes where gravity takes over and the droplets fall to the ground.) I put a video from 2009 to show you what i’m talking about :
In closing here to that… if you yourself and everybody else has a mask on
“I have a breathing condition, You can’t deny me service” (0:38) ….. blah blah ADA (American disabilities act) overrides your authority:
I see this being used a lot of times, often they end up shouting at the top of their lungs completely betraying their reason for not using a mask. I’m not going after and attacking people with legitimate breathing issues (not saying she doesn’t have a breathing issue). if you have a breathing issue…. for what I explained above is enough reason to not go out to the store or even in public right now. it’s very risky if your respiratory system or immune system is comprimised you could end up in ICU because of the increased difficulty your body would have trying to get rid of the virus. there are many alternative options such as amazon, walmart.com to get your groceries right now.
“Thats against my HIPAA”(2:06)…. Your HIPAA??????????????????
HIPAA ‘s privacy component regulates the access of a person’s PHI (Private Health Information) in a healthcare setting or between healthcare providers… the patient (sorry, healthcare worker here… so best term here that be understood) has the right to say who has access to their medical information and the healthcare provider is responsible to ensure unauthorized access doesn’t occur. the information of people’s personal medical information i have access to limited to: is in Isolation environment or non-isolated environment and what classification of infectious disease they have so when i do room cleans . I know exactly what they had so I can ensure the room is safe for the next patient to be admitted into the room or bed space. the woman here doesn’t have to disclose her medical history and the business does have the right to refuse service. not because she has a breathing issue, but because she doesn’t have a mask on…. the ol no shoes, no shirt, no service policy.
Nick, Guy that cleans hospital isolation rooms….