Important Information Regarding our Archives

Our Archives Span over 10+ Years Of episodes, some links to episode audio might not be available, due to departure of the show  from/or closure of that station and its web properties not longer exist unfortunately…  

So whats available?
GOOM Radio and EdgeFM and Everything from 2016 to present is available within our archives, however anything before than is somewhat a hit or miss.  BUT excellent news that progress is being made to have all content available  as soon as possible. 

When will archives before 2016 become available?
pisodes before 2015 are already available! However many years worth of show takes a considerable amount of time to process and be made available. Episodes from Previous Eras (GOOM, EDGEFM,MLR,PLANETPLATYPUS) are being added weekly (a selected amount of episodes from each era will be made available a certain day during day of week,  come back to this page, as it is updated as shows from previous era are added in)


GOOM RADIO ERA (2009-2011)
2016 - Present

Striving for Quality....

Content is King! And At The Ham Radio Show. It is foremost the top priority to give you  top tier content! 

Eddie even threw a computer out of the radio station because the damn thing froze. yes we are that serious of our content. and won’t find anything subpar here!